Our Services
Hypersistence is a software company offering optimization software, training, and consulting in relation to high-performance data access, enterprise software architectures, and database systems.
Optimizer Demo
Check out the following video demonstration to get a better idea of how Hypersistence Optimizer can help you speed up your application.

Hypersistence optimizer is like pair programming with Vlad.
“Let's face it, JPA and Hibernate are very powerful but not simple tools. Even experienced developers make mistakes that may result in very heavy database queries, dramatically lowering overall application performance. Hypersistence Optimizer feels like an additional team member - a JPA expert that is there to help and show how can you optimize your mappings and configurations before you ship them to production.”

There is no resource that better summarizes the performance implications of using JDBC, either directly or via JPA and Hibernate. If you are talking to a database on the JVM, add this book to your reading shelf.

Writing a book is difficult, but writing a book about performance and persistence is a real challenge.
If you want to understand how locking, sharding, replication, database concurrency control work, then this book is for you. Vlad gives you plenty of tips and tricks on Hibernate, helping you diagnose your performance issues (e.g. mapping, fetching, or caching). I learn a lot by reading his book and I highly recommend it if you use relational databases and ORM tools such as Hibernate.

A wonderful journey into the world of java and databases.
With High-Performance Java Persistence Mach 1, Vlad takes us on a wonderful journey into the world of Java and databases. We start with the JDBC fundamentals and work piece by piece into the layers of Hibernate. With videos, slides and a huge repository, Vlad guides us through the pitfalls of the different technologies and gives us lots of tips and tricks on our way that you would not find elsewhere. From a software developer’s perspective, I highly recommend High-Performance Java Persistence Mach 1. And best of all: the journey continues with Mach 2.

Excellent addition to the ebook. “I found the High-Performance Java Persistence video course to be a comprehensive training and an excellent addition to the ebook. It is an effective way to get to the next stage of JPA knowledge.”
It really pays off when it comes to analyzing complex applications.
For architectures that are difficult to manage, it quickly provides clues for further analysis. This is a huge help both when setting up a new implementation and when optimizing a legacy application.